Sunday, July 1, 2012

what does your exercise routine/diet look like? - Health, Fitness, and ...

Let's see, it's been crap, as I've been all busy with my family and my house is a mess and all kinds of stuff like that. But generally...

Ice skating from 12-1:20, usually some coffee/energy drink before skating and that's it. Sometimes if I'm lucky I'll have some eggs.

At night sometime, I'll lift weights, usually I'll do snatches, pretty much obsessed with snatches, though I suck at them and have poor technique. Then either squats or deadlifts, used to do a lot of clean and jerks. I squat Olympic style now, use less weight that way, though. I feel it's more helpful for skating, especially if I start doing sit spins and whatnot. Let's see, I do overhead presses, standing strict presses. Hard to get the weight up on those, it's so frustrating, I can seemingly always get my squat or deadlift up by like 20lbs a month easy, and then my overhead press using the same routine (of basically me f***ing around doing whatever I feel like that day) has gone up like...10 in 8 months? Let's see, I try to do pistols, too, but my balance sucks for pistols, but it's something I eventually need to learn to do for skating purposes. Occasionally, not as much as I used to (I say not as much as I used to for everything, because everything is a mess right now in my house, literally and figuratively) I did a lot of plyo jumps, box jumps, one leg jumps, etc. I also used to do punching bag work (I did that when I first started out, before weights) and lost interest/didn't make time for it anymore. OH! Last but not least, I do lots of slideboard. Usually I go on it without weights to warm up, then I go on it for 3-5 minutes at a time with 15s, occasionally 20s in each hand, so it turns into basically a skating farmers walk. That's a slideboard.

As far as my diet. Lame. Diet, sleep, and stress affect me the most of all things in my life, and they all go interchangeably. I'm kinda constantly trying to tweak it to be better. At the advice of some posters on here, I've been cutting out carbs for the most part, and feel much better. I found out rye bread and me agree, but majority wheat bread and me don't. So this week, as a pretty "optimal" diet, it was 5 strips of bacon, 2 eggs, a patty of breakfast sausage, and then pan toast made with bacon grease. That was "brunch" I guess, and then for second meal, similar smaller meal like that. Then dinner, a 1/4-1/3 head of cabbage, and 3-4 links of Italian pork sausage cooked in water with spices and a bit of spaghetti sauce (with dat dere soybean oil in it, yay...) This seems like a good diet for me, as the fat content means I don't get hungry very quick. That, and it gives me more cholesterol to make hormones. My problem eating a lot of carbs is I eat a ton of food. I'm the type of person that can eat a large pizza and then still eat more like an hour later. So so far, this seems like a decent diet, but as it's said "everything works...for a while." Also did it a bit on the advice of the crazy (but cool) man Frank Yang, he said when cutting he just needed to drop carbs.

My big problem dietwise comes from the fact I live with my family (only mother and sisters), and don't have a job. So my mom buys all a bunch of processed food and then just tells me "You can get $20 worth of stuff for the week" so since I don't eat the processed food, I can't really eat very "balanced" like that. I don't have much for supps, either, cheap crappy multivitamins, fish oil pills, and b vitamin pills, and that's about it. I've had whey protein like twice, meanwhile my family buys like $30-40 worth of bottled water a month. Occasionally I take ginseng, too, again, cheapest crappiest grade pills of it from the dollar store. So yes, I could go on forever about how insane my family's nutritional and general money thought process is, but yes.
The world would be such a better place if fish don't have bones. Imagine munching on fish like burgers without having to pin-pick it. - Frank Yang - Youtube playlist I put together.


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