Saturday, December 31, 2011

12 must-see skywatching events in 2012

As the year 2011 comes to a close, some might wonder what is looming sky-wise for 2012? What celestial events might we look forward to seeing??

I've selected what I consider to be the top 12 "skylights" for this coming year, and list them here in chronological order. Not all these events will be visible from any one locality ... for the eclipses, for instance, you'll probably have to do some traveling ... but many can be observed from the comfort of your backyard.

Hopefully your local weather will cooperate on most, if not all, of these dates. Clear skies!

Jan. 4: Quadrantid meteor shower peaks
This meteor shower reaches its peak in the predawn hours of Jan. 4 for eastern North America. The Quadrantid meteor shower is a very short-lived meteor display, whose peak rates only last several hours. The phase of the moon is a bright waxing gibbous, normally prohibitive for viewing any meteor shower, but the moon will set by 3 a.m., leaving the sky dark for a few hours until the first light of dawn; that's when you'll have the best shot at seeing many of these bluish-hued meteors.?

From the eastern half of North America, a single observer might count on seeing as many as 50 to 100 "Quads" in a single hour. From the western half of the continent the display will be on the wane by the time the moon sets, with hourly rates probably diminishing to around 25 to 50 meteors.

Feb. 20 to March 12: Best evening apparition of Mercury
In February and March, the "elusive" innermost planet Mercury moves far enough from the glare of the sun to be readily visible soon after sunset. Its appearance will be augmented by two other bright planets (Venus and Jupiter), which also will be visible in the western sky during this same time frame.

Mercury will arrive at its greatest elongation from the sun March 5. It will be quite bright (-1.3 to zero magnitude) before this date and will fade rapidly to +1.6 magnitude thereafter. Astronomers measure the brightness of objects in terms of magnitude, with lower numbers corresponding to brighter objects.

March 3: Mars arrives at opposition
On March 3, Earth will be passing Mars as the two planets wheel around the sun in their respective orbits. Because Mars reaches aphelion ? its farthest point from the sun ? on Feb. 15, this particular opposition will be an unfavorable one. In fact, two days after opposition, Mars will be closest to Earth at a distance of 62.6 million miles.

Compare this with the August 2003 opposition when Mars was only 34.6 million miles away.? Nonetheless, even at this unfavorable opposition the fiery-hued Mars will be an imposing naked-eye sight, shining at magnitude -1.2, just a bit dimmer than Sirius, the brightest star, and will be visible in the sky all night long. ? ?

March 13: Brilliant 'double planet'
The two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, team up to make for an eye-catching sight in the western sky soon after sunset. They will be separated by 3 degrees on this evening, Venus passing to the northwest (upper right) of Jupiter and shining nearly eight times brighter than "Big Jupe." Although they will gradually go their separate ways after this date, on March 25 and 26, a crescent moon will pass by, adding additional beauty to this celestial scene.

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May 5: Biggest full moon of 2012
The moon turns full at 11:35 p.m. ET, and just 25 minutes later it will arrive at its closest point to Earth in 2012, at a distance of 221,801 miles. Expect a large range in ocean tides (exceptionally low to exceptionally high) for the next few days. [Photos: 'Supermoon' of 2011]

May 20: Annular eclipse of the sun
The path of annularity for this eclipse starts over eastern China and sweeps northeast across southern and central Japan. The path continues northeast then east, passing just south of Alaska's Aleutian Island chain. The path then turns to the southeast, making landfall in the western United States along the California-Oregon coast. It will pass over central Nevada, southern Utah, northern Arizona, the extreme southwest corner of Colorado and most of New Mexico before coming to an end over northern Texas.

Since the disk of the moon will appear smaller than the disk of the sun, it will create a "penny on nickel" effect, with a fiery ring of sunlight shining around the moon's dark silhouette. Locations that will witness this eerie sight include Eureka and Reading, Calif.; Carson City, Reno and Ely, Nev.; Bryce Canyon in Utah; Arizona's Grand Canyon; Albuquerque and Santa Fe in N.M., and just prior to sunset for Lubbock, Tex.

A partial eclipse of the sun will be visible over a large swath of the United States and Canada, including Alaska and Hawaii, but no eclipse will be visible near and along the Atlantic Seaboard.

June 4: Partial eclipse of the moon
This partial lunar eclipse favors the Pacific Ocean; Hawaii sees it high in the sky during the middle of its night. Across North America the eclipse takes place between midnight and dawn. The farther east one goes, the closer the time of moonset coincides with the moment that the moon enters the Earth's dark umbral shadow.

In fact, over the Northeastern United States and eastern Canada, the only evidence of this eclipse will be a slight shading on the moon's left edge (the faint penumbral shadow) before moonset. Over the Canadian Maritimes, the moon will set before the eclipse begins. At maximum, more than one-third of the moon's lower portion (37.6 percent) will be immersed in the umbra.

June 5: Rare transit of Venus across the sun
The passage of Venus in front of the sun is among the rarest of astronomical events, rarer even than the return of Halley's Comet every 76 years. Only six transits of Venus are known to have been observed by humans before: in 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874, 1882 and, most recently, in 2004.

The next one will occur in the year 2114. When Venus is in transit across the solar disk, the planet appears as a distinct, albeit tiny, round black spot with a diameter just 1/32nd of the sun. This size is large enough to readily perceive with the naked eye.?

HOWEVER ... prospective observers are warned to take special precautions (as with a solar eclipse) when attempting to view the silhouette of Venus against the blindingly brilliant solar disc.

The beginning of the transit will be visible from all of North America, Greenland, extreme northern and western portions of South America, Hawaii, northern and eastern portions of Asia including Japan, New Guinea, northern and eastern portions of Australia, and New Zealand. The end will be visible over Alaska, all of Asia and Indonesia, Australia, Eastern Europe, the eastern third of Africa, and the island nation of Madagascar.

Aug. 12: Perseid meteor shower
The Perseids are considered to be among the best of the annual displays thanks to its high rates of up to 90 per hour for a single observer, as well as its reliability. Beloved by summer campers and often discovered by city dwellers who might be spending time in the country under dark starry skies. [10 Perseid Meteor Shower Facts]

Last summer a bright moon wrecked the shower by blotting out many of the fainter streaks, but in 2012 the moon will be three days past last quarter phase on this peak morning ? a fat waning crescent presenting only a minor nuisance for prospective observers.

Nov. 13: Total eclipse of the sun
The first total solar eclipse since July 2010. Virtually the entire path of totality falls over water. At the very beginning, the track cuts through Australia's Northern Territory just to the east of Darwin, then across the Gulf of Carpentaria, then through northern Queensland, passing over Cairns and Port Douglas before heading out to sea.

The rest of the eclipse path, including the point of the maximum duration of totality (4 minutes, 2 seconds) is, unfortunately, pretty much wasted by falling over the open waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Dec. 13-14: Geminid meteor shower
If there is one meteor display guaranteed to put on a very entertaining show it is the Geminid meteor shower. Now considered by most meteor experts to be at the top of the list, surpassing in brilliance and reliability even the August Perseids.

Bundle warmly against the winter chill; you can start observing as soon as darkness falls on the evening of Dec. 13 as Gemini starts coming up above the eastern horizon and continue through the rest of the night. Around 2 a.m. when Gemini is almost directly overhead, you might see as many as two meteor sightings per minute ? 120 per hour! And the moon is new, meaning that it will not be a factor at all.

Dec. 25: Christmas evening and Jupiter
On Christmas, many will be looking skyward and wondering what that brilliant silvery "star" is hovering just above the waxing gibbous moon. It's not a star (or Santa returning to the North Pole), but the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, serving as a sort of holiday ornament with our nearest neighbor in space to cap off a year of interesting and predictable sky events that we all can enjoy!

Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.

? 2011 All rights reserved. More from


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Registration for 24th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade & Festival underway

By: Pat Dowling | news release

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH - The 24th v?endor and ?parade ?participant ?registration is now u??nderway for? the St. Patrick's Day Parade & Festival that will take place March 17, 2012 on Main Street in North Myrtle Beach.

The parade will begin at 9:00 a.m., followed by the festival from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Registration is now open for festival vendors and parade participants.

Vendors who register by January 6 will realize a $20-$50 discount on their registration

fee, depending on vendor type. The final date for vendor registration is February 3.

Registration for parade participants ends February 29.

Vendor and parade participant applications are available online at or at the J. Bryan Floyd Community Center on Possum Trot Road. For more information call (843) 280-5570.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

No Parade Planned For U.S. Troops Returning From Iraq



Americans will more than likely not be seeing a huge ticker-tape parade anytime soon for troops returning from Iraq, and it?s unclear if veterans of the 9-year campaign will ever enjoy the grand, flag-waving, red-white-and-blue homecoming that the nation?s fighting men and women werea able to receive after World War II and the Gulf War.

Officials in New York and Washington stated that they would be happy to help stage a big celebration, but Pentagon officials stated they have not been asked to plan one.

Majority of the welcome-homes have been on a smaller scale: hugs from families at military posts across the country, a somber commemoration by President Obama at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

With tens of thousands of U.S. troops continuing to fight a bloody war in Afghanistan, anything that looks like a big victory celebration could be seen as premature and unseemly, some are saying.

Don Mrozek, a military history professor at Kansas State University said it?s going to be a bit awkward to be celebrating too much, given how much there is going on and how much there will be going on in Afghanistan.

New York City councilmen, Republicans Vincent Ignizio along with James Oddo, are calling for a ticker-tape parade down the stretch of Broadway known as the Canyon of Heroes. A celebration that was similar after the Gulf War, was paid for with more than $5.2 million in private donations, a model the councilmen would be happy to follow.


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Why Warmer Water Leads to Male Offspring -- If You're a Fish (

To a list that includes extreme weather patterns and disappearing polar bears, you can add another dispiriting effect of climate change: too many males. Three years ago, Francesc Piferrer and other scientists working at Barcelona's Institute of Marine Sciences proved that rising water temperatures caused some species of fish to produce a disproportionate ratio of males to females. Now, Piferrer and his team have gone on to discover something of a mechanism behind that imbalance.

Most fish species don't have the x and y chromosomes that differentiate the sexes in humans. In fact, at least 40 species of fish -- as well as many reptiles -- are more dependent on temperature than genes when it comes to separating the boys from the girls. In these TSD ( temperature-dependent sex determination) species, the sex of offspring is fixed by temperatures experienced during embryonic development. In the 2008 study, Piferrer's team showed that in a species like the Atlantic silverside, a water temperature increase of 4 degrees Celsius could result in a population that was 98% male. (See "The End of the Line.")

But until now, no one has been able to explain how exactly that process works. "One of the questions that came out of that earlier study," says Piferrer, "was how can temperature affect the developmental fate of the gonads when they're not even formed yet?"

In their new study, published December 29 in the scientific journal Public Library of Science, Piferrer and his co-authors argue they've found at least a partial answer: epigenetics. The word refers to inheritable changes in gene activity that are caused by things other than alterations to the DNA sequence. "Think of it like a book," explains Piferrer. "The words that are printed in the book are the DNA. The ones you write in pencil in the margins are epigenetic."

In the case of the European sea bass that the team studied, an epigenetic process called DNA methylation suppresses the enzyme that converts male hormones into female ones -- a conversion necessary for the formation of ovaries in non-mammal vertebrates. And DNA methylation, it turns out, is susceptible to temperature. Raise water temperature, and methylation increases, which means that more of that critical enzyme (called aromatase) is suppressed. And that means fewer females. (See "Oily: How a San Francisco Oil Spill Took Its Toll on Fish.")

The scientists saw the greatest impact during the first 20 days of a fish's life, an embryonic stage that comes before gonads develop. Exposed to a three or four degree increase in water temperature during that time, the normal 50/50 ratio between the sexes skewed 80% male. "What this shows," says Piferrer, "is that conditions at the very beginning of life continue to have important effects through the animal's life."

It also helps explain the heavily male populations of many fish farms. Sea bass in the wild generally spawn in water that is 13-17 degrees. But most hatcheries keep sea bass larvae in 21-degree water.

More sobering are the potential effects in the wild. The International Panel on Climate Control's predicts that sea water temperatures will rise at least 1.5 degrees in this century, a rise that, by Piferrer's calculations, is enough to alter sex ratios in some populations. Some populations of Canary rockfish are already showing more males than females. Although the wide number of variables has so far prevented scientists in those cases from pinpointing a single cause for the imbalance, Scott Heppell, a fish biologist at Oregon State University notes, "The data shows a skew toward males, and the modeling shows that if this skew is real, then the population is in more trouble." ( See "Brain Food: Eating Fish May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's.")

Migration and other forms of adaptation may protect TSD species from extinction. And Heppell notes that, by itself, a sex ratio imbalance is less worrying than other climate change-induced threats to the seas. The cumulative effects, however, are another story.

"Say that some species are spawning at slightly the wrong time so their offspring can't find food. And their metabolisms are running ever so slightly higher because of increased temperatures. And then you add in this DNA methylation so you get a skewed sex ratio," says Heppell. "It adds up. It's death by a thousand cuts."

See TIME's 2011 Person of the Year.

See the Top 10 Everything of 2011.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pick People Up at the Departure Terminal to Avoid Airport Traffic [Travel]

Pick People Up at the Departure Terminal to Avoid Airport TrafficIf your friends and family have recruited you to pick them up from the airport, you can avoid the holiday airport traffic by meeting them upstairs instead of baggage claim.

Redditor AhhhBROTHERS explains:

Most airports have the departure and arrival terminals stacked on top of each other or on opposite sides of the terminal. When you are picking someone up (or getting picked up), tell them to meet you at one of the departure doors. You would be amazed how empty those doors are compared to arrivals. Even if they have to wait for a bag, it is often time much quicker to get your bag and go back upstairs by ticketing to catch your ride. I've traveled a bunch this year and I bet I have saved over 3 hours getting swooped up by departures instead of waiting for your ride to navigate airport traffic by the pick up.

This may be less necessary at certain airports, but if you've found that your home airport is usually clogged up at the arrivals terminal, this is a useful little trick.

Photo by uzi978.

LPT: Don't waste time picking up people at the airport | Reddit


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Analysis: China needs new policy course as capital tide turns (Reuters)

BEIJING (Reuters) ? China's economy has surfed for years on a crest of hefty capital inflows, but the tide that brought gains in money supply is turning as global growth slows.

Capital has flowed out the past two months. If that persists, the challenge for the People's Bank of China will be to adjust policies to keep the country's growth rates from falling much.

That will be no mean feat for policymakers schooled in absorbing inflows averaging 256 billion yuan ($40.5 billion) a month since July 2005, but short on experience of how to handle outflows.

"I think this indicates a significant change in the environment for monetary policy -- from large 'twin surpluses' to a more balanced external position," Hua Zhongwei, an economist at Huachuang Securities in Beijing, told Reuters.

"So the situation under which the central bank 'passively' releases liquidity into the economy will change. It may have to pump out money in a pro-active way," he said.

The most likely way that pump will operate is through a simple reversal of the increases in the amount of cash commercial banks are required to keep as reserves -- the same tool that was used to drain the excess liquidity created by capital inflows.

The 600 basis points of required reserve ratio (RRR) hikes between January 2010 and June 2011 to a record level of 21.5 percent drained some 4 trillion yuan from China's economy.

That was as the central bank fought to bring money supply growth down from a breakneck -- and dangerously inflationary --pace close to 30 percent in late 2009, to a level closer to the 12-14 percent that international economists believe China targets.


Unlocking that reservoir of reserves is the obvious way to compensate for the $8.3 billion in outflows revealed in central bank foreign exchange data for October and November. The 50 bps RRR cut on November 30 released an estimated 350 billion yuan into the banking system.

Capital outflows from China may continue in the short term as Europe's sovereign debt crisis undermines risk appetite and investors seek safe havens.

Foreign direct investment in China fell 9.8 percent in November from a year earlier to $8.8 billion, the first drop in 28 months as inflows from the United States and Europe faltered.

The beauty of injecting liquidity via RRR cuts is that it compensates for capital flight without notionally shifting the declared stance of monetary policy, assuming it is the level of money supply growth that officials target.

That's especially important in an economy with average inflation this year running 1.5 percentage points above the 4 percent official target and retail sales growth galloping at a 17 percent clip so far in 2011.

The central bank insists it will keep policy prudent in 2012, even though many economists believe it shifted to a looser policy stance when it cut banks' reserve requirement ratio (RRR) in November for the first time in three years.


Central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan has raised the idea of creating cash "pools" to absorb hot money inflows. Analysts say that implies Zhou always intended to recycle the cash mopped up via reserve rises to cushion slowing growth.

"It's time to unleash money from the pools," Hua said.

Private sector economists polled by Reuters earlier this month expected the PBOC cut deliver 200 bps of RRR cuts by the end of 2012 and refrain from an outright cut to interest rates unless there is a sudden shock to the economy.

The next cut in the RRR is widely expected to come soon because demand for bank liquidity rises ahead of the Chinese Lunar New Year, which begins on January 23.

A related issue for liquidity is that the amount of maturing central bank bills is expected to shrink to a monthly average of 65 billion yuan in the January-March period from a monthly average of 222.5 billion yuan in 2011.

Freeing up the money banks can lend is desirable on many levels for China's leadership, which remains sensitive to public opinion despite the lack of direct parliamentary elections.

Real returns on bank deposits are negative, hurting savers faced with annual inflation stubbornly higher than the one-year deposit rate of 3.5 percent.


Small business owners say they have been forced into the jaws of loan sharks by the tight credit policies of the past two years, sparking a national scandal.

Analysts expect the central bank to target 8-9 trillion yuan in new loans for 2012 -- up from 7.5 trillion yuan they estimate was targeted this year -- to keep credit conditions accommodative and indicating a willingness to loosen the grip on the loan-to-deposit ratio, now at 75 percent.

And tweaking the currency, which market participants believe China has been doing recently, is a diplomatic minefield given that many politicians around the world believe China keeps its currency weak to support exports.

Analysts expect yuan appreciation to the dollar to slow to around 3 percent in 2012 from this year's 4 percent rate, with much of the rise anticipated in the second half of next year if China opts for yuan stability to cope with the deepening debt crisis in its biggest export market -- Europe.

Peng Wensheng, chief economist at CICC in Beijing, expects the central bank to cut RRR to 18 percent by the end of 2012 to achieve a 14 percent annual growth of broad M2 money supply -- a level he says is compatible with 8-9 percent economic growth.

Peng reckons net foreign exchange purchases could halve to 1.5 trillion yuan in 2012 from an estimated 3 trillion yuan this year, suggesting the central bank has to pump out the balance to compensate for the fall in the monetary base.

"The authorities can inject cash into the banking system via reserve requirement cuts or open market operations," Peng said in a note to clients.

"(But) even if the authorities have a positive attitude towards expanding credit, there are doubts over how they will be able to achieve the goals," he said.

(Reporting by Kevin Yao; Editing by Nick Edwards and Richard Borsuk)


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@norcross Another "social network." The UI is awesome in the iPhone app and it can be really private if you choose. Lauren_Hannah

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Airtight Is Airplay For Your Google TV

unnamedProof of concept though this is, Airtight purports to be the first app that will enable Apple's Airplay on the Google TV. Priced at a mere 99 cents, the app allows you to stream non-DRMed movies to your TV via any Airplay-enabled device like an iPad or iPhone. Music and mirroring are not yet supported and you have to have an update Google TV with the Android Market available.


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Matt_Ginella: Tomorrow at 3:00 EST on @NBC's Global Golf Adventure, I'll be running, swimming and swinging my way to Hawaii.

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Tomorrow at 3:00 EST on @NBC's Global Golf Adventure, I'll be running, swimming and swinging my way to Hawaii. Matt_Ginella

Matt Ginella

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas from LGF (Little green footballs)

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What to shop for in the post-Christmas sales

Eric Thayer / Reuters

Catch a breather while you can -- the after-Christmas sales are coming.

By Herb Weisbaum

Bargain hunters will find some great discounts in the days after Christmas. It won?t be hard to find sale signs boasting markdowns of 70 percent or more. But don?t expect retailers to slash the price of everything in the store, just the things they need to get out the door., a popular website that tracks retail prices, compared last year?s after-Christmas deals to this year?s Black Friday sales and found that post-Christmas sales in 2010 were ?notably less exceptional? in terms of top offerings. In other words, while the prices will be good, they won?t always be great.

?You?ll see some of the best sales of the year on apparel,? says Dan de Grandpre, founder and CEO of Dealnews. ?Merchants want to clear out their winter merchandise to make room for the new spring items.?

The focus this year, de Grandpre says, will be on brick-and-mortar stores, not online sales. Many retailers, he says, will use their websites to drive shoppers to their stores.

?Sometimes it will be a coupon that you print and take to the store,? de Grandpre says. ?Other times it will be another discount on top of the lowest prices available at the store.?

For example, last year on Dec. 26 Gap gave an extra 50 percent off all sale items in the store until noon. Some of the items were already marked down 50 or 60 percent.

Video games also go on sale right after Christmas, even the most recent titles.

?Some of the video game prices we saw last year right after Christmas were the best prices all year, and we?re expecting that again this year,? de Grandpre says.

Is there anything you should avoid buying? You might want to wait on electronics. Dealnews says the markdowns on electronics tend to be so-so right after Christmas. Closeout prices on TVs, laptops and GPS units usually hit early in the new year.

You can also expect another round of clothing sales in January. That?s when you?ll find the biggest discounts on winter apparel.

ConsumerMan Tip: As always, it?s the final price -- not the ?percentage off? -- that matters. Take the time to use a price shopping website to find out if that sale price is really as good as it seems.


NYT: Shoppers winning 'game of chicken' at stores

Will you be shopping the after-Christmas sales?

Strong holiday spending is helping the economy end the year on a high note. Retail sales are higher than this time last year and online holiday sales have reportedly hit $32 billion. CNBC's Ron Insana discusses.


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Analysis: Isolated on tax cut, House GOP blinks (AP)

WASHINGTON ? With tea party-backed first-termers calling the shots, House Republicans snatched political defeat from the jaws of victory in a year-end showdown over Social Security payroll tax cuts and jobless benefits.

This time, they pushed the country to the brink ? and wound up blinking.

"In the end House Republicans felt like they were re-enacting the Alamo, with no reinforcements and our friends shooting at us," said veteran Republican Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas.


By spurning a deal that Senate Republicans had embraced, for a two-month extension of tax cuts for 160 million Americans and jobless benefits for millions more, the House wing of the party isolated itself politically and by some calculations improved President Barack Obama's re-election prospects.

Friday brought a humbling surrender, the only realistic alternative despite grumbling from scattered holdouts and Newt Gingrich, courting tea party support in the race for the presidential nomination.

By then, even allies said Republicans had become vulnerable to Obama's accusation that they, alone, were threatening a fragile economic recovery and the well-being of the employed and unemployed alike. "Right now, the bipartisan compromise that was reached on Saturday is the only viable way to prevent a tax hike on Jan. 1," Obama said Tuesday after the House rejected the two-month measure that had sailed through the Senate on a vote of 89-10.

The reliably conservative editorial page of The Wall Street Journal piled on, referring to a circular Republican firing squad. The GOP has "achieved the small miracle of letting Mr. Obama position himself as an election-year tax cutter. ... This should be impossible," it wrote on Wednesday.

One poll said Obama ran ahead of Republicans when it came to handling taxes, an issue that has generally favored the GOP since Ronald Reagan sat in the White House three decades ago.

No less critical were Senate Republicans, fearing the impact on their own political prospects, both individually and as a group eager to gain a majority in the 2012 elections. A gain of four seats would give them control, and several close races are likely. Losses suddenly seemed possible instead. There was in even talk that the hardline stance by House Republicans was putting the GOP's big majority in that chamber in danger.

Most importantly, for the first time all year, Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell wasn't in a position to help as House Speaker John Boehner sought to carry out the wishes of his rank and file, the Kentucky senator having voted for the bill that House Republicans insisted was a loser.

At its core, the dispute was a simple one.

Talks between the two parties in the Senate on a full-year extension faltered when negotiators could not agree on the cuts needed to make sure the measure did not increase deficits. The two-month stopgap bill was designed to keep the tax cuts and jobless benefits going until the negotiations could resume again after the first of the year.

To the tea party types, that smacked of government as usual, precisely what they came to Washington to change.

"We're as unified as we've been all year," said Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, on the night before the House Republicans rejected the Senate bill, demanded negotiations on a compromise and drove themselves into a political dead end.

This time, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Democrats had no incentive to negotiate, unlike earlier when brinkmanship pushed the government to the edge of a partial shutdown or an unprecedented default.

They and the White House had already caved to Republican demands that any extension be paid for, and that Obama decide within 60 days whether to allow construction of an oil pipeline from Canada to Texas.

The president had threatened to veto any measure that linked tax cuts and the pipeline, hoping to postpone a decision on the project until after the election. Late last week, he did an about-face and demanded Congress send him a bill that did precisely that.

The reversal gave Republicans the political victory some had sought if they were going to approve an extension of the tax cuts and jobless benefits at the core of Obama's jobless program.

Boehner told House Republicans as much in a conference call on Saturday, according to several officials who listened. They added he recommended no specific course of action and sought the all views.

Some lawmakers suspected Boehner had acquiesced in the two-month extension that McConnell worked out, and he was challenged on it 48 hours later in a closed-door meeting. He bristled at the accusation, according to several participants, and denied it flatly.

There were hints of infighting. Behind closed doors, one Republican lawmaker raised a concern about a memo ? inaccurate, he said ? from an unidentified staff aide who wrote that Boehner favored a more conciliatory approach than Majority Leader Eric Cantor and other members of the leadership.

"We're here and ready to work," Boehner told reporters on Wednesday morning. He spoke at a made-for-television event with Cantor and the eight Republicans, including three first-termers, appointed to conduct non-existent negotiations with Democrats.

Little more than 24 hours later, the charade ended when Boehner informed his own rank and file, no consultations permitted.

By then, even two newcomers to the House had issued public statements calling for an end to the standoff.

"I don't think that my constituents should have a tax increase because of Washington's dysfunction," said freshman Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., now a voting member of the government he was criticizing.

The struggle over, Reid said he hoped the episode had been "a very good learning experience, especially to those who are newer" to Congress.

"Everything we do around here does not have to wind up in a fight."


EDITOR'S NOTE ? David Espo covers Congress for The Associated Press.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Steve Jobs to receive posthumous Grammy (Digital Trends)

steve jobs resigns

The Recording Academy has announced it plans to award a posthumous Trustees Award Grammy to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs to recognize his role in revolutionizing the modern music industry.

???A creative visionary, Jobs??? innovations such as the iPod and its counterpart, the online iTunes store, revolutionized the industry and how music was distributed and purchased,??

Apple was indeed a pioneer in the digital music retailing business, launching its iTunes store in 2003 with the support of all major record labels after much arm-twisting from Steve Jobs to get them all to agree to uniform pricing (then $0.99 per track), with the concession that all tracks were protected with Apple?s FairPlay DRM technology. The iTunes Store was greeted with some skepticism?after all, why buy digital tracks when CDs were often cheaper (especially for albums) and a vast library of pirated music was easily available (illegally) via peer-to-peer file sharing services? However, fueled by its iPod personal music player business, the iTunes Music Store turned into a strong success for Apple?although the store now has differential pricing, most tracks are now sold without DRM protection?another move Apple was early to embrace. As a result, Apple has long been the leading music retailer, leaving the likes of Walmart and Amazon in its wake.

Apple was also the recipient of the first Grammy ever awarded to a PC company?back in 2002 when Apple was still considered a ?PC company.? The technical Grammy was awarded for Apple?s then-nascent iTunes and iPod business, as well as for recognizing the Mac as the first computer with built-in audio capabilities?capabilities that were one chapter in the company?s long-lasting legal entanglements with the Beatles? Apple Corps.

The Recording Academy is expected to make a formal acknowledgment of Jobs? award during the Grammy Ceremony on February 14, 2012, in Los Angeles. The Grammys have always been a bit of a publicity stunt designed to boost sales and focus attention on the music industry?awarding a Grammy to Jobs personally is as much a recognition of his role in the industry as it is an effort to capitalize on the continuing accolades and memorializing of Jobs since his death in October.

The Recording Academy is granting two other Trustees Awards this year, one to longtime producer/songwriter/big-band leader Dave Bartholomew (who wrote and produced for the likes of Elvis, Chuck Berry, and Fats Domino), and world-famous recording engineer Rudy Van Gelder, who virtually defined the warm, full-textured sound associate with many high-quality jazz recordings?if you love the Blue Note jazz catalog, Ruby Van Gelder is the guy who made it happen.

This article was originally posted on Digital Trends

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HP TopShot LaserJet Pro M275

Depending on how you define MFP, the HP TopShot LaserJet Pro M275 ($399.99 direct) either isn't an MFP at all, or it's an MFP (multi-function printer) with a difference. It's built around a color laser printer, with high-quality output for text, graphics, and photos. But instead of adding a standard scanner, HP has added something it calls a TopShot scanner, which is actually a camera that copies or scans by essentially snapping a picture. The result has some serious limitations for scanning paper, but if you need to scan 3D objects?for showing products on your company Web site, say?this might be the MFP you've been waiting for.

On paper at least, the TopShot M275 seems to be a near twin of the HP LaserJet Pro 100 Color MFP M175nw ($349.99 direct, 3 stars) that I reviewed earlier this year. The only obvious difference is that the M175nw's standard scanner is swapped out for the TopShot scanner. Both printers offer the same claimed speed, at 17 pages per minute (ppm) for printing in monochrome and 4 ppm for color, and both share the same limited paper handling, which makes them a good choice for light duty printing only.

Like the M175nw, the TopShot M275's paper handling should be adequate for a personal printer or for a micro or home office with light-duty printing needs, but not much more. It holds only 150 sheets of paper, doesn't include a duplexer, and doesn't offer any paper handling upgrade options.

Other features the two printers share include support for both wired and WiFi network connections. Both support Apple AirPrint, which uses WiFi, and both let you print directly to the printer with an ad hoc WiFi connection to an Android smartphone or to an assortment of iThings. You can get the free HP ePrint Home and Biz apps from the Apple and Android app Web sites.

In addition, you can print through the cloud with HP ePrint, which lets you assign an email address to the printer and then send documents by email to print them. The two printers also both copy and scan, including over a network, with the M175nw equipped with its traditional scanner and the TopShot M275 using the TopShot scanner.

HP TopShot LaserJet Pro M275

Setup, Speed, and Output Quality
Setting up the TopShot M275 is standard fare. I connected it to a wired network for my tests and installed the software and drivers on a Windows Vista system. On our business applications suite (using QualityLogic's hardware and software for timing) it came in at an effective 3.3 ppm, the same speed as the M175nw. As a point of comparison, however, both printers are notably slower than the Editors' Choice Dell 1355cnw Multifunction Color Printer ($419.99 direct, 4 stars), at 4.5 ppm.

Output quality for the TopShot M275 is easily above par for color laser MFPs, and a bit better than the already high quality that the M175nw offers. The text quality is a touch short of what I'd want for serious desktop publishing applications, but easily good enough for any standard business need, and even good enough for marketing materials like tri-fold brochures. Graphics are similarly good enough for any business use. Most people would consider them good enough for marketing materials as well.

Photos are in the top tier for color laser MFPs. Mount them in a frame behind glass, and they could pass for true photo quality, unless you looked closely. They're certainly good enough for printing your own marketing materials.

Other Issues
The TopShot scanner demands more attention than we usually give scanners on MFPs, because it's so different from what you're probably used to. The scanner consists of a white platform, plus a camera (although it doesn't look much like one) along with lights for flash photography. Both the camera and the lights are at the end of a movable arm. The platform normally sits on top of the printer over the output tray, but lifts off easily if you need it to. The scanner arm folds down so it can lie flat against the platform when you're not using it.

To scan, you rotate the arm up, so it's over the platform, much like the document camera it basically is. You then put whatever you want to scan or copy on the platform and give the appropriate command. The camera takes six shots according to HP: three with flash from different angles and three with ambient light. The MFP then integrates the images to eliminate shadows and glare. If you gave a copy command, it then prints the image. If you gave it a scan command, it treats the photo as scanned data, sending it to a file on your computer or to your computer's email program, opening a new message and adding the file as an email attachment.

I tried the scanner with both 3D objects and typical paper documents. The results with 3D objects were terrific compared with traditional scanners, but not as good as I'd expect from using a camera. In scans of a black, shiny handheld scanner, for example, some areas turned to blue, possibly from a reflection of something in the three images taken with ambient light. Even so, if you're not an accomplished photographer, and don't have an appropriate setup for taking product pictures, the results may be better than what you can get from taking a photo.

For scanning sheets of paper, the scanner is limited at best. Granted, it's easier to put each sheet down on the platform rather than position a page on a standard flatbed under a lid, but it takes a relatively long time to snap each page. Also, because there's nothing holding the page flat, any tendency for the paper to curl will get translated into a distortion in the image. One scan of a photo, for example, had curved edges, because the paper curled up from the platform.

Ultimately, the HP TopShot LaserJet Pro M275 is something of a niche product, with the TopShot scanner the most compelling argument both for and against it. If you don't need to scan 3D objects, the limitations for scanning documents leave you with no reason to consider it. If you need to scan 3D objects?to put the images in marketing materials, on your own Web site, or on eBay, say?and you don't want to deal with taking photographs, the scanner makes it a slam dunk choice, and the high-quality print output is a welcome extra.

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??? HP TopShot LaserJet Pro M275
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Friday, December 23, 2011

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Can Google Maintain Android's Stunning Momentum? (NewsFactor)

Few tech products are rising as quickly in popularity as Google's Android operating system, which has soared from its launch in October 2008 via the HTC Dream to become the most popular platform both domestically and abroad.

Carriers seem to launch new Android devices made by HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Pantech, LG and others almost weekly, and Android-powered tablets are also starting to crowd shelves, with a Google-designed Nexus tablet promised in the next six months.

Android has been cutting into the market share of the declining BlackBerry devices made by Canada's Research In Motion, as Android devices gain more messaging and productivity functions. The latest figures from the NPD Group have Android sales up to 53 percent of the market for the year as of October, up from 42 percent in 2010.

Reveling in the success, Andy Rubin, Google's senior vice president for mobile services, took to Google+, the search giant's social networking site, and to his Twitter feed, to boast that "There are now over 700,000 Android devices activated every day."

That's enough people to fill a medium-sized city. (The population of Detroit is around 713,00 and the population of Miami is about 399, 000.) The 700,000 figure is a substantial bump from 300,000 activations claimed by Google last December.

New Devices Only

In a poke at cynics who might question that number, Rubin attached an addendum: "...and for those wondering, we count each device only once (i.e., we don't count resold devices), and 'activations' means you go into a store, buy a device, put it on the network by subscribing to a wireless service."

All this begs the question of whether Android can keep up that level of momentum as the novelty wears off and new adopters begin to hold on to their often-expensive devices.

"I'm not surprised, since they are turning up the heat at this time of year," said Ramon Llamas, a senior wireless analyst at IDC Research. "But come back to me in April, May or June when things may get a bit slower and they may be hard-pressed to have that kind of pace still moving forward. When you get right down to it, it seems to be seasonal."

Hardware Push?

But Llamas said the numbers are impressive, especially considering it does not seem to include those buying Wi-Fi only devices such as Android-powered tablets that do not require activation by a carrier.

He said it will be interesting to see whether Google begins to move further into hardware manufacture, instead of just firmware, if its planned acquisition of Motorola Mobility is approved by regulators.

"In the long term I have a hard time seeing that," he said. "I have to believe they will have an arm's-length relationship. As they learned from the first Nexus [smartphone] device, you can't just intermediate the carrier. It means you have to buy shelf space, maintain inventory....It's a different model than developing software."


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kansas drug prescription firm to add 620 jobs

OVERLAND PARK ? A mail-service drug prescription company in Overland Park has announced an expansion that will include adding 620 jobs to its current round of hiring, making the firm Johnson County?s fifth largest private employer.

OptumRx is expected to have about 2,100 employees at its mail and customer service center in 18 months, according to The Kansas City Star. After the expansion, the only private companies in the county that will be larger than Optum are Sprint, Garmin, Shawnee Mission Medical Center and Black & Veatch.

OptumRx has handled 48 million prescriptions since it opened its Overland Park facility in 2006. The 313,000-square-foot site was expected to process 13 million prescriptions this year. Company officials said about 450 of the new positions have been filled or are still available this year, and an additional 170 employees will be hired by 2013.

?We are adding employees in virtually every position, from entry-level to highly experienced, from shipper to pharmacist,? said Larry C. Renfro, CEO of Optum, the parent company of OptumRx.

Company officials announced the expansion Wednesday, emphasizing that entry-level positions, which start at $21,000 annually, require no previous experience in the pharmaceutical industry. The facility currently employs 200 pharmacists who earn salaries of more than $100,000 per year.

The industry referred to as pharmacy benefits manager is poised for continued growth, officials with the firm say. OptumRx, which is part of UnitedHealth Group, has 13 million customers and expects to fill $23 billion worth of prescriptions this year. Besides Overland Park, the firm?s other large mail service center is in Carlsbad, Calif.

?As the population ages and more of those individuals without insurance gain access to health care coverage, the industry will only grow,? Renfro said. ?And OptumRx is well-positioned to take advantage of that growth, with the help of our employees and partners here in Kansas.?

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. We strive to uphold our values for every story published.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Trump???s letter to Obama: China thinks you???re weak (Daily Caller)

Real estate mogul and ever-present TV personality Donald Trump has penned an open letter to President Barack Obama.

The letter was reportedly sent Thursday, and chided the president for ?how little respect the Chinese government has for? him.

The missive came after Trump read an article in The New York Times entitled ?China Imposes New Tariffs on U.S. Vehicles.?

Trump?s continued railing against the current state of Sino-American relations has been a staple of his political aspirations and a key talking point against President Obama.

Read the contents of that letter below:

Dear President Obama,

In reading today?s New York Times Business section, I came across an article written by Keith Bradsher entitled ?China Imposes New Tariffs on U.S. Vehicles.? In fact, I had to take a second look to ensure that I was reading the article headline correctly. I did not need to read past the first sentence of the article before realizing how little respect the Chinese government has for you and your administration. In case you did not come across the article, the opening sentence reads, ?The Chinese government increased trade tensions with the Obama administration Wednesday evening by unexpectedly imposing anti-dumping and anti-subsidy tariffs on imports of support utility vehicles and midsize and large cars from the United States.?

This new and unfair tariff, which amounts to a 22 percent increase in the import price, evoked the weakest response imaginable from Carol Guthrie, a spokesperson for the Office of the United States Trade Representative. Her response was, ?We are very disappointed in this action by China?. and will be discussing this latest action with both our stakeholders and Congress to determine the best course going forward.? For the past year, I have been clamoring to do exactly to China what they are now doing to us. When are you going to take a stand and stop permitting China to destroy our great nation? You should immediately issue a response to the President of China declaring that a 25 percent tax on every product China produces and imports into the United States will be immediately imposed.

How much more money are you willing to permit China to take from our economy? Isn?t 370 billion dollars a year enough? It?s time to wake up and realize that China is committing economic terrorism against the United States. You are single handedly allowing numerous countries to destroy our great nation and everything that we stand for.


Donald J. Trump

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Michael Jackson house contents sell for nearly $1M (AP)

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. ? The contents of the home where Michael Jackson lived with his three children just before his death have sold for nearly $1 million at auction.

Darren Julien, president of Julien's Auctions, was unable to provide a more specific figure as he continued to tally the totals Saturday after the daylong auction, which brought in nearly triple the company's pre-auction estimate of $200,000 to $400,000.

Among the highlights: A kitchen chalkboard where Jackson's children wrote "I love daddy," which sold for $5,000, and an armoire upon which Jackson wrote a message to himself on the mirror that fetched $25,750.

The auction also included furniture, artwork and other items from the rented mansion at 100 North Carolwood Drive, where Jackson lived as he prepared for a series of comeback concerts in London before his death in June, 2009.

The headboard from the bed where Jackson died at age 50 was removed from the auction at the family's request, but the rug that was beneath the bed sold for $15,360. The estimate had been $400 to $600.

Julien's Auctions re-created the mansion inside its Beverly Hills showroom and invited fans to fill the space where the bed would have been with a tribute to the late King of Pop. Julien promised to deliver all of the tribute items to Jackson's children and family matriarch Katherine Jackson.

"Michael Jackson has the greatest fans in the world. I can see why he lived for them," Julien said. "They came out every day this week to bring gifts. It's unlike anything we've ever seen as it relates to a celebrity and their fans."

Julien's Auctions has conducted auctions for dozens of celebrities, including Cher, Barbra Streisand, William Shatner and Slash.

Jackson commissioned the company to sell the contents of his Neverland Ranch before the auction was called off in early 2009. Julien's also sold Jackson's famous "Thriller" jacket for $1.8 million earlier this year.


AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen can be reached at




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The Louvre's Got Game, Replaces Audio Tours With Nintendo 3DS [VIDEO] (Mashable)

[brightcove video="1331731972001" /] The world's busiest museum is getting an upgrade. Starting in March, the Louvre will offer visitors Nintendo 3DS hand-held game consoles instead of the typical audio players most museums use.

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The Louvre is getting the 5,000 3DS devices through a partnership with Nintendo. This summer Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata said the company was exploring the possibility of offering the handheld to deliver "realistic experiences" when visiting museums worldwide.

Those efforts are clearly now bearing fruit, and Nintendo isn't wasting time with small fish -- as museums go, it doesn't get any bigger than the home of the Mona Lisa. The Louve attracts 8.5 million visitors every year, Agence France-Presse reports, although just four percent of them opt for the audio tours, which cost 6 euros each.

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With the 3DS, that number might go up. At least that's the plan, says Agnes Alfandari, the Louvre's head of multimedia.

"We are the first museum in the world to do this," Alfandari told AFP. "People's habits have changed. But that offers us a huge opportunity to extend the museum's territory, and build a lasting relationship with our visitors."

When visitors choose to tour the museum with a 3DS, they'll have access to themed itineraries and commentaries, including child-appropriate ones, in seven languages. It's not clear how the console will use the 3DS's glasses-free 3D display to enhance the experience, but it'll no doubt figure prominently in the experience. (For a creative take on how 3D tech could enhance classic paintings, check out this Samsung ad.)

Nintendo is developing the tour material, though the museum has editorial control. Around the same time as the consoles' debut, the Louvre will also update its smartphone and iPad apps as part of an overall digital makeover. Perhaps one day we'll see QR codes on every Renoir.

What do you think of the 3DS as a museum aide? Does Does it make you more inclined to take a tech-enhanced tour than a regular audio player? Let us know in the comments.

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Full ban on driver calls could be tough to enforce (AP)

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. ? A driver in the next lane is moving his lips. Is he on a hands-free cellphone? Talking to someone in the car? To himself? Singing along to the radio?

If lawmakers follow the advice of a federal board, police officers will have to start figuring that out ? somehow.

The National Transportation Safety Board said this week that drivers should not only be barred from using hand-held cellphones, as they are in several states, but also from using hands-free devices. No more "Sorry, I'm stuck in traffic" calls, or virtually any other cellphone chatter behind the wheel.

Though no state has yet implemented such restrictive rules, the NTSB's recommendations carry weight that could place such language into future laws, or motivate the federal government to cut funding to states that don't follow suit.

Many of the men and women patrolling the nation's streets and highways wonder how they would sort the criminally chatty from the legally chatty.

"It would be almost impossible to determine if someone was talking on a phone or exercising their vocal cords," said Capt. Donald Melanson of the West Hartford, Conn., police department, which took part in a national pilot program aimed at cracking down on drivers' cellphone use. "That would be much more difficult to enforce, almost to the point where it would be impossible."

Officer Tom Nichols of the Port St. Lucie, Fla., police said a law written like the NTSB suggests would be difficult to enforce because so many variables would be at play.

"If you identify someone who has a hands-free set hooked up to their ear that doesn't mean they are talking on the phone," he said. "They could be talking to a passenger. They could be talking to a child in the back. They could be singing."

Police could end up turning to technology for help. They might even end up with the cellphone equivalent of a radar speed gun.

Fred Mannering, a Purdue University civil engineering professor who is associate director of the Center for Road Safety, said that since all cellphones emit signals, a simple Bluetooth detection device could spot them.

Computers are already common in patrol cars, and Mannering said a relatively cheap add-on could fit them to track cellphone signals.

"It would be really easy for police to have a computer on board and pick up those signals," Mannering said, "but it is sort of Big Brother."

The NTSB's proposal, announced Tuesday as a unanimous recommendation of its five-member board, urges all states to impose total bans except for emergencies. It cited deadly crashes caused by distracted drivers across the country, and noted that many studies have shown that hands-free cellphones are often as unsafe as hand-held devices.

The recommendation poses an astounding number of questions. What about chauffeurs and traveling salesmen who spend their entire day on the road? And roadside Amber Alert and Silver Alert notifications that implore drivers to call in if they spot a specific vehicle? What comes of phone lines dedicated to those "How's My Driving?" signs on trucks? How will you let someone know you're stuck in traffic?

Joe Schwieterman, a DePaul University professor who studies people's use of technology while traveling, said he can't envision a law so restrictive ever hitting the books because phone use has become commonplace for drivers. He called such an approach "draconian" and said that if such a law were passed, the public would despise it as "imperial overreach," then ignore it.

"It's a little like speeding laws where it will become just culturally acceptable to violate," he said. He said a no-call law would be followed only if violations carried stiff penalties like those for drunken driving.

Lewis Katz, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University, said a nationwide ban on using cellphones while driving would be wildly unpopular, and likely the target of legal challenges. But he believed such a law, and the methods police might use to enforce it, ultimately would be deemed as constitutional as seatbelt enforcement.

"I'm sure that it would be challenged on all sorts of constitutional grounds, including free speech," he said in a phone call from his car. "But it seems to me that it doesn't in any way infringe on any constitutional rights. It's a simple safety issue."

Whether the NTSB's recommendations will motivate decision-makers remains to be seen, but they have certainly caught their attention.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, who has made combating distracted driving the signature issue of his tenure, stopped short of an endorsement. His department is separate from the NTSB.

"My focus is going to be on preaching to people: Take personal responsibility. Put your cellphone and your texting device in the glove compartment when you get behind the wheel of a car," LaHood told reporters at a news conference in Chicago. "You can't drive safely when you have your hand on a cellphone and are trying to drive a 4,000- 5,000 pound vehicle."

Florida House Speaker Dean Cannon, a Republican, said he was wary. His state is among those that have resisted passing laws restricting drivers' cellphone use.

Cannon said future technological advances may prove more effective than legislation at addressing driver distraction issues. As an example, he cited his new iPhone, which can make phone calls and send text messages via voice command.

"In these attempts to try and prevent every bad thing from happening," he said, "it's all too easy to overly restrict personal freedoms and individual rights and responsibilities."

Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, the top law enforcement official in Palm Beach County, Fla., said that if lawmakers take the NTSB's suggestions to heart, they should address all manner of distracted driving.

"I see women putting makeup on. I see a guy with an electric shaver. I see one woman with a newspaper. I see a guy with a dog in his hands. All of those are worse than texting," he said.

Monique Bond, a spokeswoman for the Illinois State Police, said training would be key to enforcing any ban. Officers are already looking for unbuckled seat belts and swerving drivers; they'd have to add to their mental checklists.

"It's something that is not insurmountable," Bond said. "How you're going to spot it, or how you're going to look for it ? you have to acclimate the troops and acclimate the operations as to how to do this."

Chief Walter McNeil of Quincy, Fla., president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, said enforcement of a total ban would be difficult, but that distracted driving needs to be addressed.

"We certainly need to deal with the overall problem with distracted drivers, and getting some level of uniformity in how we enforce that would be helpful," he said.


Associated Press writer Dave Collins in Hartford, Conn., contributed to this report.


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